
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poetry Writing Tip #20 - Making Friends With Time So More Poetry Will Float from Your Pencil

My biggest enemy – well, I don’t exactly like to think of her like that… perhaps frenemy is better – to my creative process is Time. I never seem to have enough of her unless I am very, very conscious with her. It seems on the busiest of days, the most enjoyable moments get swallowed before they begin: poetry, it seems, is one of the first to somersault from my consciousness.

In October, we are committing to 31 Poems in 31 Days.Perhaps by day 4 or 5 your intention to write will have not only somersaulted away from you, it has cart wheeled and done sprawling leaps so quickly and so far away you can’t even see your path of words anymore. You may think OctPoWrimo is such a ginormous commitment. Instead, try on “OctPoWriMo is not only fun, it is absolutely do-able.”

Please, please take note of today’s tip if you are at all like me and frequently “lose Time.”

Tip #20: Learn to squeeze poetry writing in between the cracks of appointments, meetings, lengthy gotta-do lists and other people’s requests. How? Write poetry into your cell phone as you wait in lines. Tweet micropoems (think object poems) in 140 characters – or less. Start practicing haiku using my “count and write on my fingers” approach. Write snippets of what you see as you wait for the umpteenth meeting to begin. You will be shocked and delighted by ways you can squeak more poetry writing – and pleasure – into your hectic schedule.

You have four days to begin practicing these techniques. Scoop up one a day and play with the technique. I promise you will be so happy you did!

If you have yet to sign up for the OctPoWriMo Linky, pleasedo so now by clicking here. We will be so happy to include you in our blog hopping adventures. Writing in community is especially helpful for busy people. Like Julia Cameron wrote, “One simple, well-timed compliment, like one rainfall, guarantees our continued growth.” Our blogging and commenting during OctPoWriMo will do exactly that for each and all who participate.

Now, get out there and practice making a deep and respectful and FUN relationship with Time. You can do this!

1 comment:

  1. Here's an example of writing a poem through living the exact moment I was in. Not bad... not bad at all....
