
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Poetry Prompt Day 14 - Reflection in Your Eyes

With some people solitariness is an escape not from others but from themselves.  For they see in the eyes of others only a reflection of themselves.  ~Eric Hoffer 

It is once again Short and Sweet Sunday. I thought I would shake things up a little and do things a little differently. 

Sentence Starters:

What I see when I look in your eyes...

I look in the mirror...

Word Prompt: Reflection

And if that doesn't tickle your fancy...

Tell me about your favorite chocolate experience. 

I hope you are enjoying this adventure into poetry. I know I am. Have a fabulous rest of the weekend! 

Peace to you,

Are you taking the time to visit the other poets that are visiting you? Let's make sure everyone is receiving word love this week!

Thank you for sharing and recommending before you leave.

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