
Monday, January 6, 2014

Poets on the Page Prompt - Direction - January 6, 2014

I might be the only poet here who sometimes finds myself stumbling around without direction, begging someone to please bring a flashlight and hiking boots because we are trekking out to find my way, finally.

Here we are, writing poetry in the first week of the New Year. I had to ask myself this morning, "Is the first week gone yet?"

So much has happened I feel like it should be May.

I do know that if I simply get back up, dust myself off, and take steps in the direction I am called the rest will take care of itself.

This week we will use the theme of "Direction" - you may take that in a multitude of places (I almost said directions!)

I think of maps, GPS devices, lost and found goodies, playing red light and green light as a child.... the possibilities are endless.

Take a few moments to brainstorm a list to create the beginning of possible themes for your direction poem.

I also offer a poem link to also serve as inspiration. Perhaps grab a line from the poem and use it as a prompt. Here is Finding the Direction by Stephen Dobbyns

As always, feel free to use the image as your poetry prompt as well.

I look forward to reading your words, as always.

-- Julie Jordan Scott


  1. I love the picture and the prompt, thanks Julie!

  2. It was a wonderful one for me as just yesterday I lost my directions in a new place and here is my dedication to the promopt
