
Friday, October 31, 2014

Poetry Writing Challenges

Congratulations, you made it all the way to the end of OctPoWriMo 2014! It has been a wonderful journey this year from September's poetry tips through October's poetry prompts. Some of you have been with us every single day and some of you popped in when your schedule permitted.

You shared your poems - your heart, your life, your experiences - with us and they have touched our hearts. We have one last prompt for you and we look forward to reading your poems.

Poetry Prompts:

What have you learned from this journey? Did you stretch in unexpected ways? Did you take it easy during OctPoWriMo compared to years past?  Free write about your OctPoWriMo experience.

Photo by Morgan Dragonwillow

Word Prompts:


Feeling Words:


I want to thank you for participating in OctPoWriMo and I look forward to seeing you next year. Make sure you sign up to receive our posts in your email so that you know when we begin again.

Special thanks to the other contributors of OctPoWriMo who shared their creativity and love of poetry with us.

Julie Jordan Scott - You can find creating her literary themed mixed media art every day during November.

Amy Phelps McGrath - Will be participating in NaNoWriMo during the month of November and hopefully she will keep us updated on her blog about how things are going for her.

Tamara Woods - Will also be participating in NaNoWriMo but has decided to share her experiences through vlogs as she tries to stay sane during the challenge.

You can find me, Morgan Dragonwillow, sharing writing prompts and inspiration on Mondays and Wednesdays over on my blog.

It has been a pleasure and an honor sharing our love of poetry with you.

I will be announcing the rest of the winners of the Raffle tomorrow, Saturday.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Morgan DragonwillowWriting rebel, stress relief explorer, recovering perfectionist, cooking as therapy, poet & author that (mostly) doesn't let her fears get in the way of her passion for writing and creating. She is team leader at @StoryDam, creatrix of #OctPoWriMo. She lives in Marietta, Ga. with her loving and patient partner, their dog that thinks she's a princess, and the cat that reminds her that she isn't.
You can find her on Google+


Make sure you sign up to receive the writing prompts, writing tips and updates to share in the poetry adventure!

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  1. It was a great experience. Loved writing on all the prompts. Thank you! :)

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! Congratulations on writing every single day!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, glad you played along with us on this journey!

  3. Thank you so much and will be doing my last post with my photos later today! I really appreciate all of the work that all of you have put in and have very much enjoyed reading the work I've been able to read! My first experience with any type of writing challenge and it was awesome.

    1. Thank you Raven, so glad your first writing challenge was a good one! Hope we see you next year!

  4. Thanks team OctPoWriMo! You did a lot of work, and provided a fantastic experience for lots of people. I know people who worked with the prompts but never shared what they wrote here, so I know for a fact that the effect is even bigger than what we can see.

    I wrote a happy shout out to you on my post for today, and to all the writers and to all the readers. Everybody has been fabulous!

    1. Thank you Angela, I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it so much! Thanks for the shout out and I hope to see you again next year!

  5. Thanks Morgan, and everyone who contributed to prompt-making and guiding the hop. SUPER job. I'll miss it

    1. So glad you joined us on this poetic journey Lizzi! Hope you will join us again next year!

  6. I know it's a bit silly, but I wrote this today ;-)

  7. I'm trying to get a hold of all the winners and then I will be posting the winners of the raffle.
