
Monday, February 29, 2016

Poetry Prompts - Extraordinary Choices

“A tree can be tempted out of its winter dormancy by a few hours of southerly sun—the readiness to believe in spring is stronger than sleep or sanity.” ― Amy Leach, Things That Are
Photo courtesy of by George Hodan

You can feel the energy of Spring on its way, days getting longer, sun growing warmer and the hint of blossoms in tiny tight buds beginning to form. But for now, we are still in the in between, not really Winter, not really Spring, just the anticipation of new beginnings over the horizon.

I've already started my spring cleaning, something that is over due from last spring, yes I procrastinate. Poetry has pushed it's way to a back burner for me, I imagine I should allow myself to get back into a poetic mood and get writing again. Of course my goal is to write all of my poems for the April A to Z challenge before April begins, I guess I better get started. Will you be joining us for the April A to Z Poetry Prompts in April?

Photo courtesy of
by Kim Rempel
Choices, we all have them, we all make them every single day. Some make choices by not making a choice, either way life continues, seasons pass, are you making a difference in someone's life? Are you making a difference in yours?

Poetry Prompt: 

How do you fill your time during this in between? Are you prepping your garden, preparing the way for new projects? Write for ten minutes exploring how you want to spend your spring and what you can do to prepare for it.

Here is a second choice as today is February 29th, which only happens once every four years. I personally think it should be a holiday since it is an extra day, like a freebie, why shouldn't we have one day every four years that we could do whatever we want. What would you do if you had a day where you could do anything you wanted, no matter what?

Word Prompts:

In between

I think this house is past spring cleaning,
more like it may need ghost cleaning.
Photo Courtesy of
by Kate Friesen

Possible Poetry Type: Sedoka

Happy end of the month, whatever you may be doing, wherever you may be, I hope you make extraordinary choices for yourself today.

Morgan Dragonwillow
Read, Dance, Write, Repeat

Morgan Dragonwillow is an author, encourager, and facilitator of magical circles. She is team leader at @StoryDam, #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage You can find her Playing with Words and dancing on her blog.
Yes she is on Google+ too!

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