
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Being in the Moment - OctPoWriMo 2016 Countdown

I'm trying... so hard to "embrace and appreciate the present moment of 'what is.'" but that isn't always easy. In fact it seems darn difficult most of the time. Why do you think that is? Oh yeah, I remember, it's because I'm a bit of a perfectionist control freak. I have this way of seeing how I think things should be, should be. Ugh! I've tried to shrug that piece of me off but it is always there in the background.

With poetry and art, I let go of it. I let go of the shoulds and the shouldn'ts and just let the words flow. It is the only time I really feel I can be right here, right now. Of course that has taken me awhile but in that one moment of creation, it's all good.

Art by Morgan Dragonwillow
Are you able to be in the moment of "what is." while you are writing poetry?

Posts to Explore:

What do you think, will you be joining us and diving into all things poetry in October? Have you signed up yet? Take a moment and click on over to OctPoWriMo link up, and sign up today. Remember to tell all your poet friends and lover of words to come check it out by sharing the hashtag #OctPoWriMo across social media!

20 Days and Counting!

Morgan Dragonwillow
Read, Dance, Write, Repeat.

Morgan Dragonwillow is a poet, author, encourager, and facilitator of magical circles. She is team leader at @StoryDam, #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage You can find her Playing with Words and dancing on her blog.
Yes she is on Google+ too!

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