
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Outside In - OctPoWriMo 2016 Countdown

I have a thing for photos of windows and doors, especially if they are colorful or there is something interesting about them. I can usually see a story/poem when I see a photo such as the one below. Some of the words that come to mind: open, closed, in, out, outside in, either side, on the threshold, in-between, locked inside. So many possibilities.

Is there any specific thing that when you look at it you feel inspired to write something about it?

Photo Courtesy of by George Hodan

Have you signed up yet? Take a moment and click on over to OctPoWriMo link up, and sign up today. Remember to tell all your poet friends and lover of words to come check it out by sharing the hashtag #OctPoWriMo across social media!

8 Days and Counting! 

Morgan Dragonwillow
Read, Dance, Write, Repeat.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a writing rebel, foodie, urban gardener, recovering perfectionist, facilitator of magical circles and poet who (mostly) doesn't let her fears get in the way of her passion for writing and creating. When she isn't working with clients, writing or dancing, you can find her encouraging and supporting her writing community at #StoryDam, #OctPoWriMo, and #PoetsonthePage
Yes, you can also find her on Google+

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  1. Yes. Tombstones and cemeteries often inspire me to write.

    Have a blessed day.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne, for sharing what inspires you. I love walking through cemeteries and I can see how they can inspire one to write.

  2. my answer would be the sun and the moon. There us really something inspiring about those two celestial bodies. :)

    I am excited for the OctPoWriMo, Morgan! When will you publish the prompts? :)

    1. That's great, Rosemarie, thanks for sharing. Oh and the prompts are up as of today.
