
Monday, January 15, 2018

Poetry Prompt: "Well, That Didn't Go As Planned"

Image by kai Stachowiak on Public Domain Photos

I don't know about you, but the final weeks of 2017 and the first weeks of 2018 have been full of surprises! We were planning to move to a new space in February, but things happened very quickly and we had to move before Christmas. I also received a financial settlement this past week that I'd been waiting five and a half years for. I've also had several days where I made plans for myself only to find out my husband had made plans that included me.

The unexpected, the unplanned can affect us in different ways. We can sometimes get angry or upset that want we wanted didn't happen (or didn't happen as we envisioned). Or we can embrace the chaos as just a part of live, roll with it, and trust that the Universe is working in our best interest.

The Prompt:

What unplanned or unexpected things have happened in your life? How did you react/respond? What was the ultimate outcome? Free write for 10 minutes about the unexpected, unplanned things that have occurred and see what comes up.  Look back through what you've written and see if something appeared on the page that you didn't anticipate. (See what I did there?!?)  Turn something you find into a poem

Word Prompts:


I wish you words,
Amy McGrath

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