
Monday, May 2, 2016

Poetry Prompts -

“There is no work-life balance. We have one life. What's most important is that you be awake for it.” ― Janice Marturano
Photo courtesy of by Lilla Frerichs

April was a month filled to the brim and then some; so many changes, so many things to do, and very little time for peace. Balance is something I have always struggled with and I've decided that is a perfect topic for this week's prompt as I'm going to delve into what it really means for me.

Poetry Prompts:

Write for ten minutes asking what balance means to you, how balanced or unbalanced your life is, and/or what feels balanced to you.


Write about balance in nature, where you see it and/or feel it.

Word Prompts:


Possible poetry type: Etheree

Morgan Dragonwillow
Read, Dance, Write, Repeat.

Morgan Dragonwillow is a poet, author, encourager, and facilitator of magical circles. She is team leader at @StoryDam, #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage You can find her Playing with Words and dancing on her blog.
Yes she is on Google+ too!

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  1. A subject I've been reflecting on for quite a while ... at a distance. Thanks for making this a prompt Morgan.

    1. Thanks for letting me know it was relevant for you, Georgia. =)
