
Monday, April 25, 2016

Remember the time- Poetry Prompt

I'm going to guess during this last year you've lost someone or something important to you. A loved one, a family pet, your free time, hairline, even your old clunker that has limped across the finish line into the junk yard of the sky. This person or thing has left behind something in your life. An empty space.

I propose today you write about the quality you most remember about them. A piece of music, scent, the way you could eat everything and your waistline wouldn't budge, it can be virtually anything. The beauty of these poems is we get to learn a little about you and you revisit a good time in your past.

Write a narrative poem about that. It can be as serious or playful as you want it to be. Tell your story. Here's more information on this style.

Tamara Woods writes, because she can’t imagine any other life. She grew up in the poorest state in the U.S., West Virginia, as a laid-off coal miner’s daughter. She learned from this that money isn’t the root of all happiness, but it sure makes it easier. One fateful 5 at a youth workshop she learned both the art of stolen kisses and being open in her poetry: lessons she’s never forgotten. Tamara’s poetry is spoken word with a heavy emphasis on things that we all know and do. Her fiction hits on darker, uncomfortable subjects, because she’s a firm believer that stories can be beautiful without being pretty. She is the Editor of The Reverie Journal, online poetry site. She is the moderator of #writestuff a writing tweetchat that's every Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST. Find her poetry on her blog, PenPaperPad. Connect on Social Media: Follow her on Twitter, like her on Facebook, and check out her book and writing videos on YouTube.


  1. I am linking one write I wrote 4-5 days ago .. Just lost my maternal Grandmom .. in her memory I wrote this.

    1. I'm so sorry for your loss Deepti and I feel honored that you shared your words with us.
