
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Issues, Writing, and Poetry - OctPoWriMo 2016 Countdown

The last few days I've been getting ready for out of town guests arriving tomorrow. I'm currently staying with my daughter and granddaughters and it is my daughter's dad and wife of 20ish years coming to visit. All kinds of issues have been coming up for me. Normally I wouldn't be part of the visit but living here, and unable to go anywhere at this time, I'm going to be here.

Poetry is a great way to deal with past issues that pop up unexpectedly. Free writing can help you get it all on the page and somewhere in the middle or so, things start to come together. That's why my poetry prompts often start out with free writing on whatever the topic of the day is, it helps get things moving. Once you see a thread of possibility, that's when you can decide if you want to create a specific type of poem or continue with free form and play with the words and spacing until you have it the way you want it.

Do you vent through poetry?

Photo courtesy of by George Hodan


Pulling out the thread
unraveling the story
reweaving the web

Posts to Explore for OctPoWriMo:

What do you think, will you be joining us and diving into all things poetry in October? Have you signed up yet? Take a moment and click on over to OctPoWriMo link up, and sign up today. Remember to tell all your poet friends and lover of words to come check it out by sharing the hashtag #OctPoWriMo across social media!

22 Days and Counting!

Morgan Dragonwillow
Read, Dance, Write, Repeat.

Morgan Dragonwillow is a poet, author, encourager, and facilitator of magical circles. She is team leader at @StoryDam, #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage You can find her Playing with Words and dancing on her blog.
Yes she is on Google+ too!

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