Friday, October 28, 2016

Poetry Prompts Day 28 - OctPoWriMo 2016

The end of the month is in sight! How are you holding up? It's been difficult for me and my husband, but things are improving one day at a time. 

On to today's prompt!

Image by Paul Brennan
Word Prompts:
sea shells

Suggested Poetic Form: Monorhyme, or for a real challenge try Shape Poetry!

Music For Your Muse:
The Drifters - Under the Boardwalk

Relaxing Music for Sleeping Soundly - Ocean Waves Crashing

During OctPoWriMo, if you want to make sure that we know you have written something new, comment in that day's post with your link to your blog and/or share your link on Twitter with the hashtag, #OctPoWriMo.
If you would like to leave an active link in the comments:

<a href = "your link">your title</a>

You have to put the link to your post (same link you would put in the comment section) in the, "your link" space within the quotations and the title to your post in the, your title, space.

Our link would look like this:

<a href="">OctPoWriMo</a>

Once you hit publish on your comment it would look like this (only with the name of your post):


I hope that helps. You don't have to do this, it is only if you would like to make your link an active link.

Remember to visit two or more OctPoWriMo participants and leave encouraging and supportive words along the way.

I wish you words!
Amy McGrath


  1. Day 28, Sea shells,#OctProWriMo.

  2. I don't think that music would help me sleep soundly. It would keep me in the bathroom. :)
    "Under the Boardwalk" is a great song.

    Here is my poem for today:
    OctPoWriMo Day 28.

    Have a blessed day!

  3. I attempted both the monorhyme and shape poetry with a few liberties here and there. The issue was the formatting in wordpress. It just would not do what I wanted it to do, so here's my attempt. Day 28 - Grains of Sand

    Grains of Sand

  4. I followed from yesterday's prompt, and went with taste instead: The Taste of You

  5. Here are my efforts for days 28 and 29!

  6. Thanks for yet another OctPoWriMo prompt.
    Used (almost) all the prompts this time. Had to leave one out.
    Thanks for the prompt!
    Glasses of Rose
