Saturday, October 15, 2016

Poetry Prompts Day 15 - OctPoWriMo 2016

I apologize for the lateness of this post, I'm having trouble keeping track of everything, this is the first time I am working at a job, watching my granddaughters, volunteering at their school and everyday living while facilitating OctPoWriMo. I'm working on creating a better schedule of everything. How do you juggle your everyday life with your poetry life?

Photo courtesy of by syahliany syahliany

Day 15 Prompt: Blue


Some of the things that come to mind regarding blue: blue moon, feeling blue, wild blue yonder and blues music. Free write for ten minutes on all things blue, where does it lead you?

Suggested poetry type: Musette 

Word Prompts:


Music for your Muse:

Remember, our prompts are only suggestions, where you find inspiration for your poetry is up to you.
During OctPoWriMo, if you want to make sure that we know you have written something new, comment in that day's post with your link to your blog and/or share your link on Twitter with the hashtag, #OctPoWriMo.
If you would like to leave an active link in the comments:

<a href = "your link">your title</a>

You have to put the link to your post (same link you would put in the comment section) in the, "your link" space within the quotations and the title to your post in the, your title, space.

Our link would look like this:

<a href="">OctPoWriMo</a>

Once you hit publish on your comment it would look like this (only with the name of your post):


I hope that helps. You don't have to do this, it is only if you would like to make your link an active link.

Remember to visit two or more OctPoWriMo participants and leave encouraging and supportive words along the way.

Morgan Dragonwillow
Read, Dance, Write, Repeat.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a writing rebel, foodie, urban gardener, recovering perfectionist, facilitator of magical circles and poet who (mostly) doesn't let her fears get in the way of her passion for writing and creating. When she isn't working with clients, writing or dancing, you can find her encouraging and supporting her writing community at @StoryDam, #OctPoWriMo#PoetsonthePage, and  Playing with Words on her blog.
Yes she is on Google+ too!

Make sure you sign up to receive our updates, tips and prompts to share in all the poetry fun!

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  1. have a lovely weekend :)

  2. Hello! Thanks for these challenging and beautiful poetry forms. Amidst a busy schedule this really keeps me intrigued and encouraged. I am loving this adventure with creativity !

    My posts for Days 14 and 15 :

  3. For me, working 60 hour weeks is affecting not only my creativity but my personal life in general negatively. Hopefully I won't have to do it much longer.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thanks for all you do. Here is today's prompt:

    Break Up

  6. The writing every day is helping me to keep positive and focused in this harsh election climate. Here's my effort for today, "Versailles and Blue Musings on the Election". Thank you!

  7. Finding time and space, I might add, to play with my muse is difficult for me too.

  8. hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

  9. I wouldn't worry about it; I know I enjoy and appreciate what you do - and can really empathize with your situation! Blessings to you :)
    Fall Flair

  10. Day 15 offering:

  11. Sorry mine is late today. Here it is:
    OctPoWriMo Day 15

    Have a blessed weekend!

  12. Day 15! This one may seem a little dark, but hopefully, the reader sees the strength as it blossoms. Written in Musette.

    Rising Above Anger

  13. Been writing daily - just slow updating! Here's days 14, 15 and 16:

  14. Thanks for another October prompt! Here's my Day 15 MUSETTE poem: Over and Out - A Musette to Offset

  15. Last but not least?
    Haha I just found your cool challenge on another writer's blog and was inspired...
